The new reporting rule by US EPA require the manufacturers and importers to provide extensive information for more than 1300 substances used in US for last 10 years. The agency mentioned that as on April 2021, there were around 1346 PFAS on TSCA inventory ,with 669 active in US commerce.
One time disclosure requirement for PFAS produced and imported since Jan 1, 2011, was added to TSCA section 8(a) in The 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).This data would help in future regulatory action.
Importers and Manufacturers should show the details with regards to the use of any TSCA compounds. They should show the chemical identity, quantities generated, processed and its by products, environmental and health impacts, worker exposure counts and lengths and its disposal. Any byproducts, impurities and articles containing the compounds should also be reported.
The enactment of the final rule is supposed to happen on 1 Jan 2023, there is one year reporting timeline. Companies can start the submission six months after the rule is implemented.
Reporting would be done in EPA’s electronic platform. Companies can show that they previously supplied necessary details under the Chemical Data Reporting (CDR) rule to prevent data replication.
In the beginning of submission deadline, EPA has put forward a requirement for five-year record keeping for reporters. They need to maintain copies of everything they submit.
By understanding the PFAS origin and amount, the reporting would clarify the exposure pathways, public health and ecological effects. This will help EPA to prioritize PFAS action plan.
Comments about this proposal will be taken by EPA for 60 days.
EPA is focused collecting inputs particularly on:
- Coverage of PFAS in imported articles
- Issues for economic assessment specially on smaller business
- Format of collecting environmental and health details
- Proposed scope and if agency should ask for additional one.
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