UK REACH – Preparation of RMOAs

Health and Safety Executive (HSE) opened a call for evidence on 4 substances and substance groups. These 4 substances have recently been identified as SVHCs by the EU. HSE and Environment Agency, is preparing Risk Management Option Analysis (RMOAs) for the substances and substance groups below. To inform these RMOAs, HSE has opened calls for […]
HSE published a list of Substances grandfathered under UK REACH

The UK REACH Regulation for safety of chemicals includes an article 127B(4)(a) in which a list of names of substances with their CAS/EC numbers is compiled based on notifications. Article 127B(4)(a) of UK REACH requires registrants of former EU REACH registrations to provide HSE with basic information about their registration (“initial transitional data”). Using the […]
Everything about UK REACH and How to Comply

United Kingdom’s (UK) Chemicals regulatory framework (UK REACH) is effective from 1st January 2021. United Kingdom (UK) will no longer be a part of European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) or the European (EU) regime from the 1st January 2021. Instead UK will have new REACH system for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization or Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). […]