REACH SVHC Candidate list updated

European Chemical Agency, ECHA has updated the candidate list of substance of very high concern for authorisation, in accordance with Article 59(10) of REACH regulation Annex XIV. On 25th June 2020, below 4 new chemicals added to SVHC list, making it from 205 to 209. 1-vinylimidazoleCAS: 1072-63-5Reason: Toxic for reproduction as per Article 57 (c).Found […]
SCIP– A new data base introduced by ECHA

ECHA plans to maintain a database that contains the information on Substances of Concern In Articles or Products. The guideline regarding SCIP database requirements were released on 9th Sep 2019. This information will be available to waste operators and consumers. The idea is to improve the transparency on hazardous substances throughout the lifecycle of an […]