All you need to know about REACH SVHC update 2022

On January 17, 2022, ECHA added four more substances to its list of SVHC candidates, which was updated from 219 to 223. The chemicals contain hormone-disrupting properties, interfere negatively with reproductive health, are bioaccumulative, toxic, persistent, and biodegradable, which makes them harmful to humans and the environment. There are four substances listed on the Candidate […]
REACH Requirements and Chemical Recycling

“Chemical Recycling of Polymeric Waste in the Circular Economy” was a report published by ECHA to examine the current state of chemical recycling from plastic, rubber, and other polymeric waste materials. In its report, the commission outlines recommendations and conclusions that must be followed in order to perform chemical recycling and reduce plastic pollution. As […]
All you need to know about PFCAs restricted by EU under Annex 17

PFCAs (perfluorocarboxylic acids), a subset of PFAs (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) has been restricted by European commission – under Annex XVII of REACH Regulation. This new regulation replaces the entry 68 of Annex 17 to REACH on PFOA. PFOA related substances are now regulated under POPs regulation (EU) 2019/1021. It restricts the PFCAs and their […]
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA)- Restrictions and deadline

Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a large family of synthetic chemicals widely used in the society. PFOA is one of those families present in PFAS. Since they contain Carbon chain of different lengths and the Hydrogen atoms are completely or partly substituted by Fluorine atoms, they form a very stable bond and are not degradable […]

On 1ST Oct ,2019, European Commission recommended 18 substances of very high concern for (SVHC) to be added in REACH authorization list. These substances are reproductive toxicants, endocrine disruptors, carcinogens, very persistent and very bio accumulative (vPvB) substances or respiratory sensitizers. They are prioritized due to their high volume and widespread use that can be […]
Reach SVHC List updated-Four new substances added

On 16th July, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) has updated REACH SVHC list by adding 4 new substances having properties given below. Toxicity to reproduction Endocrine disruption Very Persistent and Very Bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic (PBT) The decision to include the substances Tris(4-nonylphenyl, branched and linear) phosphite (TNPP) and 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-(heptafluoropropoxy) propionic acid, […]
REACH Compliance – FAQ

EU Reach plays a vital role in keeping a check on the risks of hazardous materials that affect human health and the environment. We bring you a list of FAQ’s to help you stay updated on regulatory compliance and be compliant in all forms. 1. What is REACH? REACH is a new European law regulating […]