BOM Management in IMDS

Complexity of BOMs in the IMDS system, and how we make the BOM management process easy, We also have a software option available for efficient management of large number of BOMs and MDS BoMs in IMDS will be available in two different formats usually. They are, Flat or Single-Level BoM Multi-Level BoM 1. Flat or […]
Here’s how CDX (Compliance Data Exchange) Platform can simplify IMDS Reporting!

Every OEM in the automotive industry requires its suppliers to use the International Material Data System (IMDS) for material data reporting. With the IMDS system, suppliers can document and report their material data, support the recyclability and reusability of materials in vehicles, and report Substances of Concern (SoC). The information in the IMDS also provides […]
What you should know about IMDS Release 13.1

The International Material Data System (IMDS) is the automobile industry’s material data system, it is a very essential tool used for compliance by almost all of the global OEMs. IMDS Steering committee regularly updates the Reporting techniques based on enhancement proposal provided by OEM’S and suppliers. These updates make the IMDS users to do their […]
Did you know, you need to update SCIP data in IMDS?

In the past automotive manufacturers used to report REACH Candidate List substances in articles into the International Material Database System (IMDS). From the start of 2021, they are in need to submit similar information in the SCIP (Substances of Concern In articles as such or complex objects (Products)) database through the IUCLID platform developed by […]