Identification and Impact of substances of high concern

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has amended the REACH Candidate List, a list of compounds of very high concern (SVHC), more than 25 times. The European Commission requests that EU member states or ECHA include substances on this list. The substance may become a very high concern substance after a detailed review and unanimous approval. […]
ECHA recommends restriction of Bisphenols

Bisphenols are chemical compounds used for Manufacturing various plastics. They have been widely used in several consumer and industrial goods since more than six decades. Bisphenol A or BPA is the main member of this family and are commonly used as raw material in plastic and related industries including housings for electronic equipment like camera, […]
Group assessment of bisphenols identifies need for restriction

A total of 148 bisphenols were assessed by ECHA and member states on 6th April 2022, and more than 30 of them were recommended for restriction. Because of their potential hormonal or reprotoxic effects. Bisphenols are known endocrine disruptors, both for human health and the environment. They are also known for their reprotoxic properties. Since […]