EU Conflict Minerals Regulations will apply across the EU on 1st Jan 2021

It is on 17 May 2017 the EU Parliament and EU Council had laid down new import regulation on ‘Conflict Minerals’ under Regulation 2017/821. The importers of Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten and Gold (3TG) into European Union are required to carry out due diligence on their supply chain. Before importing, they are entitled to confirm whether […]
CRT 2.0 A New Update: Everything About RMI’s New Version of the Cobalt Reporting Template

RMI(Responsible Mineral Initiatives) has released revised version of Cobalt Reporting Template CRT 2.2 on 28th October 2020. The first version of the CRT was launched on December 21, 2018. CRT is developed by RMI to identify choke points and collect due diligence information in the cobalt supply chain. It is a standardized template and can […]
Mica Reporting Template – Learn More About the New Update for MRT 1.0

RMI (Responsible Mineral Initiatives) has released a new reporting template MICA REPORTING TEMPLATE (MRT 1.0) on 28th October 2020. This is the third reporting template released by RMI, the other two are CMRT and CRT. Mica is widely used in automotive and industrial coatings, paints and plastics as pigments. It also used in cosmetics and […]
CMRT & CRT Update

New Version of Conflict Mineral Reporting Template CMRT v 6.01 and Cobalt Reporting Template CRT v 2.11 is released by RMI. CMRT v 6.01 (Conflict Mineral Reporting Template) RMI has released the new version of CMRT on 19th May 2020, which will replace the current version of CMRT v 5.12. The CMRT v 6.01 must […]
RMI has released Cobalt Reporting Template Version 2.0 (CRT 2.0)

The Cobalt Reporting Template is developed by Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) to identify choke points and collect due diligence information in the cobalt supply chain. This is a free standardized template and was launched on December 21, 2018. RMI has revised the CRT with effect from 30th October 2019 and the new version is CRT […]
New Conflict Mineral Reporting template has released – Revisionv5.12

CMRT 5.12 was released on 26th April 2019 and is available on the RMI (Responsible Minerals Initiative) website. The new CMRT comes up with a few minor changes when compared to 5.11. CMRT is a free standard template that helps the manufacturers and smelters, to get the current detailed information on sourced minerals/3TG in supply […]