REACH Consulting Services
REACH, a pivotal European Union (EU) regulation instated on June 1, 2007, aims to safeguard human health and the environment from chemical risks while promoting alternative methods for hazard assessment to minimize animal testing. Applicable to all chemical substances, whether industrial or daily-use, companies importing or manufacturing hazardous chemicals (>1 metric tonne/year) must register them with the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).
ECHA maintains a dynamic Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) list, necessitating constant effort from affected companies to stay updated and assess emerging risks in their supply chain or product line. In adherence to Article 33, companies must communicate substance information to customers if levels exceed 0.1% w/w.
Our dedicated supplier engagement team aids clients in collecting, analyzing, and organizing supply chain substance information, offering services across industries, from initial REACH compliance consulting to obtaining periodic updates from suppliers, ensuring continual accuracy incompliance data amid the evolving SVHC list.

We effective address these compliance challenges
- Lack of understanding of compliance (internally and supply base)
- High costs of sourcing and collating compliance data from suppliers.
- Varying material declaration formats from one supplier to another
- Tracking ongoing changes to the regulation and related exemptions
- Complexities of interpreting the legislation and its impact
- Difficulty in identifying replacement materials that comply with the legislation.
- Validate more actionable data by digging down the supply chain.
- Difficulty in usage of ECHA cloud services for SCIP notifications and maintenance of SCIP data.
Services Portfolio
- REACH Training
- Collecting supplier declarations and certifications
- REACH Reporting
- Full Material Declaration (FMD)
- REACH Data Maintenance/Refresh